Scents of Dao

Dao is an oriental lifestyle brand inspired by traditional Chinese herbology. The brand adopts the learning on creating body’s balance in our cyclical lives; to stimulate as the sun rises, and to unwind as it sets; by using our natural products compounded into a series of daily rituals. A practice of balance, and the discipline of opposing forces which creates a harmonious tranquility to our natural state.

The brand starts with cosmetic and scent products, aiming to transport people to a state of serenity. Serenity is being achieved from using the wisdom of eastern restorative herbal medicine, that emphasised the unity between body and the nature. Embracing these learnings into the modern day, DAO translates the oriental culture in the form of craftsmanship, packaging, and furniture display.

Scents of Dao

Agency: A Work of Substance
Creative 2016-2018: Maxime Dautresme creative director, Judy Chen, Tracy Chan
Creative 2019: Maxime Dautresme creative director, Judy Chen, Tracy Chan, Martin Mårtensson, Billy Chung, Crystal Ho, Vita Mak



